

Are you in a prison? No. Where you at? I'm nowhere man.

A Gray/Test Transmission mash up of two tracks one of which involves a phone call by the artist to the operator.

Remember the operator?

A human at the end of the line. The fortunate/unfortunate Basuiat burnt himself out but not before he made a significant contribution to art, music and the history of art. There's also a terrible human tragedy that surrounds not just his life but those he frequented. What is the use of tragedy? It's without doubt contains elements of a didactic nature, encoded with an example to onlookers; DO NOT REPEAT. Yet we are willfully ignorant again and again. Don't give up on people or exploit their weaknesses, especially the creatives. It will passively make you evil. Basquiat's (1960-88) unseen notebooks will be at Brooklyn Museum in 2015.

Are you in a prison? No. Where you at? I'm nowhere man....

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